"Mar y Meseta" Course: Includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday, attendance to classes and group activities.
Members 70€.
Non-members 100€.
IMPORTANT: Lodging and transportation not included. If you are looking for a place to sleep you can visit our recommended places here.
Methods of Payment
If you come from outside the European Union, contact us at tesoreria@castillafiddle.com to find out about your specific payment options.
If you come from within the European Union, make a transfer to our Asociación Castilla Fiddle bank account.
Bank details: LABORAL KUTXA
IBAN: ES5230350274712740027343
CIF: G10819159
Office address:
Street of the Heroes of Alcantara, 2
47001 - Valladolid
Very important:Do not forget to put the full name of the attendee in the CONCEPT of the transfer to know who makes the registration.